Tuesday 15 November 2011


Ok ok, I realize that Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone, but American Thanksgiving is just around the corner (next week) so I'm going with that.

But in reality, I am just thankful and neither thanksgivings spurred on these thoughts today.

I'm so thankful for:

...my son
who is now walking around the ottoman (holding on still) without much of a problem! He is also talking up a storm! While none of it makes sense to me, he sure has a mouthful!

...my husband
who tirelessly works to support our family, and loves to spend time with our son.

...great friends
who are good encouragers to myself and especially to my husband. They affirm his fathering skills and even challenge him without him realizing it as a challenge! It was brought up today that approx 70% of youth who are brought up in the Church, leave the church. And, the remaining 30% have one thing in common and that is that they saw/see their father reading the Bible and praying. That makes one think for a moment...

...an awesome photographer (http://juliekorstrom.com/)
who not only takes amazing photos, but also is willing to answer my many questions as I seek to become a better photographer myself! Plus, she can take amazing photos, while holding Landon in one arm, her camera in the other!

...my mom and dad
who are currently on a Caribbean cruise at the moment, and I miss them!

...my inlaws
who I get to see next week and spend an entire weekend with them. We get our Christmas shopping and baking all done in one weekend! Looking forward to it!

...my Savior
I probably wouldn't even be as thankful if I did not have Jesus.

And mostly because I know my mom will be reading this in the Carribean and because Linda likes seeing photos while at work, I'll not leave a post without photos! (But also for all the rest of you who don't mind a photo too)

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